
We’re transforming occupational therapy in the United States to improve individual, community, and planetary health. We want your help.

  • Forward-thinking Occupational Therapy

    The environment has always been a fundamental part of occupational therapy practice. We want to change how you think about it.

  • What is Occupational Therapy?

    New to learning about occupational therapy? Learn more about what occupational therapy practitioners do and how they support their clients

  • Occupational Therapy and Climate Change

    What is the link between occupational therapy and climate? Learn more about the links between occupational therapy, climate change, and health.

What are we working on?

Our members now span across the United States and even to overseas! Check out what they’ve been up to

How do we do this?

Check out our clinical examples page for more information on how to start implementing sustainability and climate education in your practice!

 Practitioner Spotlights


What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”

— Dr. Jane Goodall, Scientist & Activist